2050 Climate Justice Project
Raising young champions to fight effects of climate change
Communication and Resource Centers

We are a Malawian-owned and Malawian-led network which exists to support and develop Malawi’s many civil society links with Scotland, thereby enhancing the cooperation between Malawi and Scotland Government on one hand and the North and South on the other. We help to coordinate, represent and support the many people-to-people and community-to-community links between Malawi and Scotland . We are an independent, politically-neutral charity core funded by successive Scottish Governments.
Malawi’s links with Scotland date back to 1859 and the travels of Scottish explorer Dr David Livingstone.
Today, more than 208,000 Malawians and 109,000 Scots are actively involved in community-led partnerships between our two nations.
46% of Scots -almost half the country- can name a friend or family member with a connection to Malawi, making this one of the world’s strongest north-south people-to-people links.
Malawi Scotland Partnership is not just a Malawi-Scotland Coordinating organisation, It is a platform where Organisations, Interact, Share, Learn (Who is doing What, Where and How?) and create local partnerships.