Our Communication and Resource Center

Free access to communication resources

Considering that within our membership we have some small organisations, schools, faith based, and many more who in their setup they don’t have computers and access to internet, we have communication and resource centers  which also as act as our Regional Offices in Mzuzu, Lilongwe and Blantyre with free access to computers, internet and video conferencing equipment to allow our members communicate with their partners.

Visit Us


CCAP Synod of Livingstonia Campus,

Opposite William Koyi Guest House,

Mtameni Kachusa

Call: +265 991972251

Email: sngulube@malawiscotlandpartnership.org


Area 14, Scripture Union House,

Linda Dembo

Call: +265 888 85 28 55


Email: cmasangano@malawiscotlandpartnership.org


Phekani House,

Right wing, Second Floor,

Ruth Maluwa

Call: +265 881 52 24 88

Email: rmaluwa@malawiscotlandpartnership.org

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