Muli Bwanji?!
The Scotland Malawi Partnership is excited to share the details of our 2021 online Chichewa language lessons.  Whether you’re a complete beginner or feel you need to brush up your Chichewa, we’re keen to help Members improve their language skills.

We have twenty places available for a seven-part online course running every Tuesday at 7pm from 1st June to 13th July. We anticipate that places will go quickly so we encourage you to book asap to avoid disappointment. Don’t worry if you think you may miss a lesson or two, as each session will be recorded and shared privately with the class afterwards.


These courses are perfect for those visiting Malawi (when able to do so) as they include not just Chichewa training but also really useful and insightful information and discussions around Malawian culture, all in a relaxed and friendly environment. They are led by the brilliant Enock Bamusi and Sarah Niven – a great Malawi-Scotland team in action! This seven-part course is being offered at the rate of just £30 for SMP Members and £60 for non-Members. We are also excited to announce that this is the first time under 18s will be able to join the course, and a special rate of only £15 is available to our Youth Members (aged 14-24).

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