A Youthful environmental club at Malawi Institute of Journalism has published its maiden Magazine, Chilengedwe aimed at advocating issues climate change issues. Part of the publishing team was the club’s coordinator who is also MaSP Young climate change Leader Chifundo ZIngunde.

MIJEC is a grouping of student Journalists from the northern capital-Mzuzu who are committed to use all forms of media in creating awareness on environmental issues. The 40 paged magazine comprises stories from across the nation ranging from waste management, energy to climate change.

One of the contributors in the Magazine, Alexander Gombar a retired magistrate of Malawi government hailed the young Journalists for the initiative. “When I was approached, I thought it was one of the assignments by students, but looking at the final product; so impressive. It’s worthy to be emulated by all stakeholders, “said Gombar.

On his part, MIJEC Club Coordinator, Chifundo Zingunde said it is a need for young Journalists to join the fight in creating a better world. ” It’s very important for Journalists to set the agenda of climate change and our wish is to see the magazine flood the country, in so doing we will fight the war against climate change together, “

The magazine is going out free of charge but the club is appealing for well-wishers to help them publish more copies. This is the first time student journalists in the country have come up to advocate for Sustainable Goal number 13 which calls for urgent action towards Climate change.

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