Scotland Malawi Business Group

Scotland Malawi Business Group

Country: Malawi

Award Period: 2014 to 2017


This project will ensure access for small scale pond aquaculture fish farmers to reliable sources of quality fingerlings at an affordable price by developing 15 commercially viable small scale tilapia fingerling producers. A low cost pond-based model will be introduced to 15 existing fish farmers with the necessary technical and entrepreneurial skill sets and within a 100 mile peri-urban radius of Blantyre. Monitoring will be carried out with grow out producers who will benefit from receiving quality fingerlings, with good growth rates helping profits.

Award detail:

For the “Small-scale Hatchery Aquaculture Seed Production (SHASP)” project in Malawi. Conditional on the production of a partnership agreement.

Grant: £59,899


Posted on

July 8, 2018