We have an important update regarding the partnerships between schools in Malawi and Scotland. Due to the challenges posed by COVID-19, it has come to our attention that several partnering schools have lost contact with each other.
The following schools from Malawi had partners in Scotland, but unfortunately, they have lost contact:
Bandawe School – Alloway Primary School
Luwinga Secondary School – Balwearie High School
Engcongolweni High School – Beeslack Community High School
Mzimba L.E.A. School – Broomhouse Primary School
Katawa Primary School – Caledonia Primary School
We believe in the power of strong partnerships and collaboration, and we are committed to reestablishing these connections. To ensure the continuity of quality partnerships, Malawi Scotland Partnership is calling upon the head teachers or anyone with information of our partner schools in Scotland to reach out to us.
Please contact our Mtameni Kachusa (Regional coordinator North)
📞 CALL: +265991972251
✉️ EMAIL: mkachusa@malawiscotlandpartnership.org
Together, let’s reignite these valuable connections and continue the journey of global learning and collaboration between our schools.