Knowledge of first aid is an invaluable life skill. It helps one to become more aware of risks and equips him/her to keep themselves and others safe in Medical emergencies.
Our Member organization, Reach Out for Life recognized this, specifically in schools where young people are vulnerable to injuries and located far from medical health centers.
With Support from Global Youth Mobilization, ROFL engaged 10 teachers from 5 Primary Schools including Mbengwe, Chiguma, Gumeni, MtengowaMbalame and Chilingani 1 Primary Schools located in very hard to reach areas and trained in First Aid Management.
A statement from our member organization Reach Out for Life revealed that this was a planed mover to ensure self reliance during emergencies
“This is a deliberate move to equip Primary Schools with a first Aider and ensure self-reliance during medical emergencies, which is one of the objectives under MAWA Project, being implemented to create an enabling environment and a proactive community against different health challenges faced in communities.” Reads the statement.
The 3 days long Teachers First Aid training imparted first aid management skills including performing Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on infants, young and adult persons, emergency scene management, burn wounds management. The training took the participants through managing bone and joint injuries, poison accidents, emergency evacuation and lifting techniques among others.
The trained teachers were awarded certificates after successfully passing an International Life Saver’s First Aid Course issued by the St John International, an internationally recognized First Aid service provider and trainer.