The new MaSP and SMP was successfully launched on the 31st of March 2022 virtually to an audience of over 60 participants including the Minister of Education Hon Agness Nyalonje.
The updated partnership guide comes in as a response to the last two years in which we have seen new challenges and unprecedented change across the world due to Covid-19, the increasing threat of climate change and a growing understanding of equality issues.
In her remarks the Minster congratulated the MaSP and SMP teams on updating the guide for being proactive and responsive in updating the Youth and Schools Partnership Guide. She also explained the Governments education sector plans and national development strategies to offer pathways for meaningful participation of the youth who constitute the majority of the population. Read here full Speech Here
In addition to the Minister’s wonderful remarks the launch also provided an opportunity to hear about the impact of the partnership from Namadzi Secondary, and Ryan Ticcioni from Scotland.We were also enlightened about the wonderful work being done by Mtuli foundation from Karonga in uplifting and engaging young people in rural areas.