We were thrilled to co-host a special roundtable meeting with our sister network in Scotland the SMP, for both of our members to meet Dr. Thomas Munthali the Director General (CEO) of Malawi’s National Planning Commission on Tuesday, 25th May 2021. The meeting attracted well over 70 participants from both Malawi and Scotland.
In her remarks our CEO Stella Masangano stressed the importance of the new SG Principle “Country led Partnership” as the rationale for our hosting of the National Planning Commission CEO to meet with our members together with our Partners in Scotland.
The principle of Country led partnership recognizes that countries prioritize their own needs and lead their own development. The meeting therefore was organized to encourage both our members and those of the SMP to make sure they are aligned with national / local plans.
Dr Munthali briefed SMP and MaSP members about Malawi’s vision of becoming a wealthy and self-reliant nation, the countries priorities and how they are currently being implemented. He acknowledged the role of NGO’s in the fulfillment of the vision and the involvement of International partners to make this a priority. This was followed by a Q and A Session in which Dr. Munthali responded to participant’s questions and comments. You can download a copy of MW2063 here