Classrooms for Malawi (CFM) is an organisation that provides a safe and suitable learning environment for the children of Malawi which improves attendance, academic performance in schools. In Malawi learners dropout of school due to different problems and some of them being poor Sanitation at school and lack of learning materials among other things.

Classroom Malawi is improving the school environments by renovating classrooms and also providing teaching and learning materials.

Through the projects that the organisation undertakes of renovating classes, the CFM have seen a great improvement in many areas among them are: decreased dropout rate, absenteeism and also improved social economic among the learners.  Read more

Community participation is one of the factors that has made the project to be work successfully as they embrace every project that the organization brings into communities.

Despite what the organisation has achieved in other areas, there have been challenges due to COVID 19 which have resulted in less fundraising and less construction in schools, at the same time due to Covid-19 more classrooms are needed in order to practice social distancing.

Difficulty in distributing sanitary pads and education packs is another challenge that the organization is also facing during this pandemic.

The organisation has planned in line with the current situation that there will be a review in their strategic plan, to depend more on corporate institutions among other ways of sustainability during this Covid 19 pandemic.

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