We are excited to invite all MaSP members, key stakeholders and our Partners from Scotland to join MaSP’s Youth Forum Meeting.
Date: Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Time: 10:00 – 11:00Am Malawi time / 08:00 – 9:00 UK time
Venue: Zoom
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82478640901?pwd=OFVUejg3MFM0QXJIcnROczdsNWQzdz09
The meeting will aim to highlight the efforts by young people under the MaSP Youth Network to fight against Covid-19 and its effects. We understand that being the majority of Malawi’s 18 Million people, the Youth Have a part to play in the fight against covid-19 and are able to offer innovative and creative solutions to counter Covid-19 and lessen the suffering caused by its impact.
Fully aware of this fact, the meeting will provide a platform for those in Scotland and Malawi that are interested in working and partnering with young people in their efforts. To learn about the efforts already being made on the ground and what more can be done to amplify the impact of these interventions.
The meeting will include updates on:
- MaSP Youth Ambassadors Program
- The SMP’s Upcoming Youth Festival
- How Youth are Coping with Pandemic in Scotland
To Confirm Participation Send an Email to Ruth Maluwa (Regional Coordinator, South)